Winter Solstice: Light the Inner Fire

Alright, Misfits, let’s talk about the Winter Solstice – that cosmic shindig where the sun takes a breather, and the longest night of the year gets its moment in the spotlight. Why celebrate? Because it’s not just a seasonal shift; it’s a kick in the ass to ignite your inner fire.

What’s the Winter Solstice?
It’s December, and the sun decides, “Hey, I’m gonna chill a bit longer on my way across the sky.” The result? The shortest day and the longest night of the year. It’s like the universe hitting pause for a recharge.

Spiritual Jazz of the Solstice:
Let’s dig into the spiritual juju. The Winter Solstice is more than a celestial event; it’s a reminder to embrace the darkness within and kindle the light that guides us through. Think of it as your soul’s annual check-in – a time to reflect, release, and rev up for the days to come.

Yule: Where the Party’s At!
Enter Yule – the OG Winter Solstice celebration. This Norse-inspired fiesta is all about welcoming the return of the sun and telling the winter chill, “Not today!” Yule kicks off around the Solstice and lasts for a rockin’ twelve days. Who says the holiday spirit has to stick to a single day?

Yule Practices to Stoke the Flames:

  1. Light It Up:
    Grab your candles, string lights, or a bonfire if you’re feeling extra wild. Light up the night to symbolize the return of the sun’s mojo.
  2. Reflect and Release:
    Take a moment to reflect on the past year. What challenges did you face? What victories did you celebrate? Write them down, then release them into the universe with a symbolic gesture – burn ’em, bury ’em, or set ’em free like a cosmic confetti.
  3. Feast Like a Norse Deity:
    Channel your inner Odin and feast like you’re dining in Asgard. Traditional Yule foods include hearty meats, spiced beverages, and anything that screams, “Winter survival mode, engaged!”
  4. Craft Some Yule Magic:
    Get your hands dirty with some Yule crafts. Make sun-shaped ornaments, create a Yule log centerpiece, or brew up a potent winter potion. Bonus points if you do it under the night sky.
  5. Connect with Nature:
    Take a moonlit stroll, embrace the crisp winter air, and feel the earth’s energy. Mother Nature throws the best Solstice party; don’t miss the invite.
  6. Share the Mayhem:
    Invite your tribe for a Solstice gathering. Whether it’s a virtual hangout or an intimate firelit soirée, celebrate the dance together.

Let’s make this Winter Solstice the most rebellious yet. Embrace the darkness, ignite the inner fire, and let the mayhem of Yule infuse your spirit with cosmic vibes. Here’s to the longest night, the return of the sun, and the chaos within us all!

The Humidifier Havoc – Your Winter Weapon Against Dry Air!

Hey Misfits,

As the colder months descend upon us, so does the rise of the ultimate skincare nemesis – indoor heating. It’s the villain in a horror movie, sneaking into our homes, sucking the moisture out of the air, and leaving our skin feeling drier than the desert. But never fear, there’s a hero in our midst – the humble yet mighty humidifier!

The Cold, Dry Heist:

When we crank up the indoor heating to escape the winter chill, we inadvertently initiate a moisture heist. The warm air might feel cozy, but it’s a cunning thief, stealing the precious hydration from our skin. The result? Dry, flaky skin that’s more parched than a tumbleweed rolling aimlessly.

Enter the Humidifier, Your Skin’s Sidekick:

Now, imagine a device that swoops in like a hero, restoring balance to the moisture universe. That’s the magic of the humidifier. This unsung hero emits water vapor into the air, creating a force field against the drying effects of indoor heating. Here’s why it’s the perfect ally against the dry air assault:

  1. Combatting the Desertification:
    Indoor heating turns our homes into virtual deserts, robbing the air of its natural moisture. A humidifier steps in, releasing water vapor and transforming your living space into a sanctuary of hydration.
  2. Skin Quencher:
    Our skin thrives in environments with optimal moisture levels. A humidifier ensures that the air around you stays comfortably moist, preventing your skin from turning into a flaky, cracked battleground. It’s the ultimate skincare hydration station.
  3. Sinus Saver:
    Dry air doesn’t just wreak havoc on your skin; it’s also the arch-enemy of your respiratory system. A humidifier soothes irritated sinuses and helps you breathe easier during the chilly months. It can be a wellness retreat for your entire being.
  4. Preserving Your Skin’s Suppleness:
    Dry air can strip away your skin’s natural oils, leaving it defenseless against the winter mayhem. The humidifier acts as a shield, preventing this oil-stripping phenomenon and preserving your skin’s supple, youthful glow.
  5. Preventing Static Shock Horror:
    Besides saving your skin, a humidifier also puts an end to the annoying static shock show that often accompanies dry indoor air. No more unintentional lightning bolts when you touch a doorknob – your skin and hair will thank you.

How to Deploy Your Humidifier:

  1. Strategic Placement: Position your humidifier strategically in the rooms you frequent the most, especially where you sleep. This ensures that your skin gets a continuous moisture boost.
  2. Water Quality Matters: Use distilled water to fill your humidifier to prevent any mineral buildup that could be released into the air. You want pure, clean hydration for your skin.
  3. Regulate the Moisture Levels: Most humidifiers come with adjustable settings. Experiment to find the right balance – you want to moisturize the air without turning your space into a tropical rainforest.
  4. Regular Maintenance: Like any superhero, your humidifier needs a bit of TLC. Regularly clean it to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria, ensuring that you’re getting pure, healthy moisture.

This winter, let the humidifier be your skin’s sidekick in the battle against dry air. Together, you’ll emerge victorious, with skin that’s hydrated, radiant, and ready to face whatever winter throws your way.

Kickass 3-4 Step Routine!

Ready to give your skin the love it deserves without making it feel like a chore? Let’s break down a skincare routine that’s as simple as it is badass. No frills, just results!

1. Mayhem Cleanse with Mintensity:
Start with our Mintensity gentle creamy gel cleanser – the rebel of clean. This badass formula kicks dirt’s ass without drying you out. Pro tip: If your face feels tight, it’s time to ditch that cleanser. Clean, not parched, is the goal.

2. Hydra Haze Hydrating Serum Love:
Now, let’s break out the juicy stuff with Hydra Haze. This hydrating serum is a burst of hydration that makes your skin go, “Ahhhh.” Slap this baby on after cleansing, and let the hydration party begin.

3. Nocturnal Nectar for Nighttime Magic:
When the night falls, it’s Nocturnal Nectar time. This oil serum is the secret sauce to wake up with that “I woke up like this” glow. A few drops, and you’re on your way to dreamy skin.

4. Sunscreen – A Non-Negotiable:
Mornings aren’t complete without sunscreen – our armor against the sun’s mayhem. Trust us, wrinkles aren’t the cool kind of lines, and sun damage is so last season.

Bonus Round – Exfoliate Like a Pro:
Throw in some exfoliation, but don’t get too trigger-happy. 2-3 times a week is the sweet spot. Our skin sheds dead cells, but sometimes it needs a nudge. Exfoliate, but don’t strip – that’s the golden rule.

Order Matters – Thick to Thin:
Imagine it this way: Skincare as a rock concert. The headliner (thickest product) goes on last. Start with cleanser, then serum, and seal the deal with moisturizer. Sunscreen is your grand finale – the gig ain’t over till you’ve protected that beautiful face.

You’re all set. A skincare routine that even the laziest rebel can conquer. Your skin, your rules. Let the mayhem begin!

P.S. Moisturizer Alert! We’re cooking up something special – the perfect moisturizer to complete your Mayhem routine. Keep those eyes peeled, because the Mayhem By Nature moisturizer is about to drop like the hottest album of the year. Stay tuned, rebels! Coming in 2024

Navigating the Holiday Hustle: Tips for Tough Times

We all know this time of year can be as stressful as trying to untangle Christmas lights. For some, it’s not all gingerbread houses and mistletoe magic – it can be downright tough.

Let’s keep it real; the holiday season can bring a sleigh full of challenges. Whether it’s the pressure to be merry or the reminders of what’s missing, it’s okay to feel like you’re not rockin’ around the Christmas tree.

The Holiday Hurdles: A Quick Reality Check

  1. Loneliness: The “Home Alone” movies are hilarious, but being truly alone during the holidays? Not so fun.
  2. Financial Stress: Gift shopping can feel like navigating a Black Friday stampede. How did a pair of socks become a luxury item?
  3. Family Drama: Not all family gatherings are as cozy as a Hallmark movie. Some are more like an action-packed drama series.
  4. FOMO Overload: Thanks to social media, it feels like everyone is rocking a Hallmark-worthy holiday. FOMO hits harder than a snowball to the face.

Now, onto the good stuff – how to sleigh these holiday hurdles with style!

Tips to Keep Your Sanity and Mistletoe Smiles

  1. Buddy System: Grab a friend, a furry companion, or even your favorite holiday movie character. You’re not alone in this.
  2. Budget Like a Boss: Make a list, check it twice, and stick to your budget. A little DIY magic can go a long way, and no one said your cookies had to be store-bought.
  3. Selective Social Media: Unfollow the folks who turn the holiday season into a competition. It’s not about who can roast the perfect chestnut or decorate the most Pinterest-worthy tree.
  4. Create Your Own Traditions: Forget the pressure to do things “traditionally.” Create your own rituals that bring joy – even if it’s just ordering pizza and watching your favorite non-holiday movie.
  5. Ask for Help: Reach out to someone you trust. They might not be able to fix everything, but sharing the load can make it feel less like a one-person sleigh ride.

Remember, it’s okay not to be in a holly-jolly mood 24/7. Your mental well-being is the ultimate gift you can give yourself. So take a deep breath, put on those cozy socks, and navigate this holiday hustle at your own pace. You got this!

Tired of the Same Old, Same Old for the Holidays? Get Ready for Some Mayhem!

Are you fed up with the typical, run-of-the-mill gifts everyone’s handing out every year? Those delicate trinkets and cookie-cutter presents just won’t cut it, right? Well, you’re in luck because Mayhem By Nature is here to add a little edge to your holiday season! 🖤

When everyone else is playing it safe, we’re turning up the heat with gritty, unconventional options that scream “I dare to be different!” Whether you’re a misfit, a rule-breaker, or just a trendsetter, we’ve got the goods to keep the holiday vibes bold and badass.

‘Tis the Season to Break the Mold!

So, why settle for the same-old-same-old when you can level up your gifting game with Mayhem By Nature?

Edgy Skincare: Forget those generic lotions and potions. Our skincare products are anything but ordinary. From facial cleansers with a rebellious twist to serums that hydrate like no other, we’ve got your skin covered, literally. It’s skincare for the renegades and beauty enthusiasts who dare to stand out!

Graphic Tee’s: No more boring sweaters and lame sweats. We’ve got graphic tees that speak volumes. Whether it’s a sassy slogan, a bold design, or a “don’t mess with me” message, our tees are a fashion statement. Wear your attitude proudly!

Ornaments and Accessories: Christmas tree looking a bit blah? Not anymore! Our ornaments are like no other – they bring the misfit personality to your tree! Plus, our accessories are a killer like, fun wrapping paper. From spiritual tools to statement jewelry, it’s all about making a statement.

FOMO Alert!

You do NOT want to miss out on our unconventional holiday collection. It’s your one-way ticket to a holiday season that’s unforgettable. We’re not just talking gifts; we’re talking experiences (tarot readings, courses, and Tarot & Tea Parties) that will leave everyone talking about your holiday gift-giving for years to come.

Head over to our seasonal section now, check out our services and let your wild side run free! Because who wants to be basic when you can be a badass? Go on, explore, and make this holiday season unforgettable with Mayhem By Nature.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Introducing the Hottest Holiday Gift: Lunar Veil and Earthshine Artisan Soaps

Earthshine Soap by Mayhem By Nature

Hey, misfits! We’re gonna help elevate your gift-giving game this season.

Meet Lunar Veil and Earthshine: The Dynamic Cleanse Duo

These ain’t your grandma’s soaps. Nope, they’re the small-batch, handcrafted gems of the Brujandera line at Mayhem By Nature, and they’re not just soaps, they’re experiences.

Lunar Veil: Black Tourmaline-Infused Awesomeness
Ever wondered what it’s like to cleanse under the light of a full moon? Well, Lunar Veil comes pretty darn close. Infused with black tourmaline, it’s all about protection, grounding, and shooing away the negativity like a boss.

Earthshine: Clear Quartz Magic
On the flip side, Earthshine is all about that clarity and good vibes. Infused with clear quartz, it’s the real deal for manifesting intentions, balancing your chakras, and radiating positivity.

Why Are These the Hottest Commodity This Holiday Season?

  1. Small-Batch Magic: We’re not pumping out soap by the truckload. It’s all about quality, not quantity. Each bar is a work of art, handcrafted with mad love and intention.
  2. Unique Gifting: Imagine your friends and family unwrapping these beauties. It’s not just a gift; it’s a ritual, an experience, and a piece of cosmic magic.
  3. Good Vibes: These soaps aren’t just for the body; they’re for the soul. They’ve got vibes that’ll raise the roof and leave your loved ones feeling on top of the world.

How to Use These Magical Soaps:

  • Lunar Veil: When you’re in need of a protective shield or just wanna shake off the day’s drama.
  • Earthshine: To start your day with clarity and positivity, or as part of your self-care routine.

Get ready, folks, ’cause Lunar Veil and Earthshine are gonna be the hottest items under the tree this year. Don’t miss out on the cosmic cleanse revolution. Place your order, gift ’em to your loved ones, and watch the magic unfold.

Essential Oils vs. Fragrance Oils: Unmasking the Scent Secrets

Today, we’re getting into the world of scents – essential oils and fragrance oils – and figuring out what’s what. So, let’s break it down.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are the superheroes of the scent world. They’re pure, natural, and they mean business. We extract them from plants through methods like steam distillation or cold pressing. You’ll find oils like lavender, peppermint, or tea tree in this category. They smell amazing and come with their unique therapeutic benefits.

But here’s the catch – you can’t extract essential oils from every ingredient. So, if you see ‘watermelon essential oil,’ you better think twice. It’s probably a fragrance oil, not an essential oil.

Fragrance Oils

Fragrance oils are the chameleons of the scent game. They can mimic almost any smell in the world, and that’s their superpower. Most are synthetically created, while others are made by infusing essential oils with natural carriers to produce that vanilla, strawberry, or tropical punch scent.

Here’s the deal with fragrance oils: they might not have the same therapeutic benefits as essential oils, but they’re used to make your products smell divine.

What About Natural Fragrance Oils?

These are the cool hybrid kids in the scent family. They take essential oils and mix them with natural carriers to create unique scents. So, you’re getting the best of both worlds – the aroma of essential oils and the versatility of fragrance oils.

The Vanilla Dilemma

Vanilla essential oil? Nope, that’s not a thing. Vanilla is stubborn, and you can’t steam distill it. Most vanilla-scented products use vanilla fragrance oils or vanilla absolute, which is derived from vanilla beans. So, beware of any ‘vanilla essential oil’ claims – that’s not reality.

The Power of CO2 Extracts and Absolutes

Here’s where things get magical. CO2 extracts and absolutes are concentrated, potent, and can capture the scents of delicate flowers and plants. Absolutes, like rose or jasmine, are extracted using solvents, while CO2 extracts use carbon dioxide. They’re next-level aromatic and totally deserve their place in our scentscape.

When it comes to scents, it’s essential to know the difference between essential oils and fragrance oils. Both have their perks, and the world of natural and hybrid scents is truly fascinating.

Hydrating vs. Moisturizing for That Magic Glow

hydrate and moisturize

You’ve probably heard about hydrating and moisturizing your skin, but what does it all mean? Let’s break it down into small bite size pieces.

Hydrating – Quenching That Thirst:
Imagine your skin’s thirst for water, like that post-workout hydration craving. Hydrating is all about giving your skin a big gulp of water. Our Hydra Haze hydrating serum is the real deal – it’s like a tall glass of water for your skin. It’s packed with ingredients like snow mushroom and aloe vera juice.

  1. Hydrate Daily: After cleansing, apply a hydrating serum. Our Hydra Haze is perfect; it’s like a cool drink of water for your face.
  2. Drink Up: Remember to guzzle your H2O throughout the day. Healthy skin starts from the inside out.
  3. Mist It On: Carry a hydrating facial mist for a quick, refreshing splash during the day.

Moisturizing – Locking It Down:
Moisturizing is like the protective coat on a classic car – it seals in your skin’s moisture, keeping it soft and smooth. Our Nocturnal Nectar face oil serum is your secret weapon for that. Packed with luxurious oils like moringa, pumpkin seed, and rosehip, it creates a protective barrier to prevent moisture loss.

  1. Seal the Deal: After your hydrating serum has soaked in, apply the Nocturnal Nectar oil serum. It’s like putting on your leather jacket before a night out.
  2. Patience is Key: Give it a little time to sink in before applying makeup. Your skin deserves that VIP treatment.
  3. Consistency Counts: Use your moisturizer daily, and don’t skip it!

Remember, your skincare routine is all about self-care. Hydrating and moisturizing, like yin and yang, work together to give you that, lit-from-within glow. So, drink your water, use your serums, and embrace your skincare mayhem. Your skin will thank you with a radiant, otherworldly beauty.

Crushing the Scarcity Mindset

Ready to take on the topic of scarcity mindset? Let’s break it down to help you reach your full potential.

So, What’s a Scarcity Mindset?

It’s being trapped in a mental zone where you’re convinced there’s never enough to go around. Whether it’s money, love, success, or even skincare products (we’ve all been there), the scarcity mindset screams, “There’s not enough, and I’ll never have what I really want.”

Why Does It Happen?

The scarcity mindset often roots itself in our past experiences, social conditioning, or even our fears and insecurities. It’s a sneaky shadow, lurking somewhere in your psyche, whispering limiting beliefs and fueling your self-doubt. The fear of missing out (FOMO) is its best friend, but not the kind you’d invite over for a slumber party.

How to Kick That Scarcity to the Curb?

  1. Start with Awareness: Recognize when that scarcity mindset creeps in. Awareness is your strongest weapon!
  2. Gratitude is Your Secret Power: Shift your focus towards gratitude. It might not seem like it, but even in the darkest of times, there’s something to be thankful for.
  3. Abundance Mindset Work: Replace those limiting beliefs with empowering ones. Affirmations, meditation, and manifesting can work wonders here.
  4. Quality Over Quantity: Invest in quality relationships, self-care, and, of course, skincare. A little bit of luxury can go a long way. (wink, wink)
  5. Celebrate Others’ Success: When you see others succeed, cheer for them! Celebrate the abundance of life together.
  6. Self-Care and Spirituality: Embrace rituals, whether it’s tarot readings, meditation, or crystal healing. These can help you find abundance within and around you.

The path to abundance might be a winding one, but it’s so worth it. There’s enough love, money, success, and skincare goodies for everyone. Step out of that scarcity mindset and watch your world transform. You got this, and remember, you’re not alone in this journey.

Fall Into Fabulous Skin: Season’s Glow-Up!

Ready or not, the seasons are changing, and that means your skin needs a little extra TLC. As the days get shorter and the nights get cozier, it’s time to prep your skin for a flawless transition into the cooler months. Here’s how to keep your skin slaying from summer to fall to winter:

1. Hydration is key

Just because the summer heat is fading doesn’t mean you can skip the H2O. Stay hydrated like it’s your job! Sip on water, and opt for hydrating skincare products. Our Mintensity Creamy Gel Cleanser and Hydra Haze serum are perfect for maintaining that dewy glow.

2. Exfoliate for that Autumnal Radiance

Fall is the perfect time to shed those dead skin cells and reveal your inner glow. Mechanical exfoliators like scrubs are good choices, but don’t forget the chemical ones (with ingredients like glycolic or lactic acid and the gentler alternatives like willow bark extract).

3. Amp Up the Moisture Game

Cooler air can be brutal on your skin, so lock in that moisture. Reach for heavier creams, serums, and oils. Our Nocturnal Nectar Face Oil is a nighttime essential for an extra dose of moisturization.

4. Sunscreen is STILL Non-Negotiable

Even when it’s cloudy or cold, UV rays are sneaky! Keep slathering on that sunscreen.

5. Don’t Neglect Your Lips and Hands

Your lips and hands deserve love too. Invest in a rich lip balm and a luxurious hand cream to keep them soft and smooth.

6. Layer Up, Buttercup

Finally, don’t be afraid to layer your skincare products. Think of it as your skin’s winter wardrobe. Apply products from thinnest to thickest consistency, and don’t forget your neck and chest!