Navigating the Holiday Hustle: Tips for Tough Times

We all know this time of year can be as stressful as trying to untangle Christmas lights. For some, it’s not all gingerbread houses and mistletoe magic – it can be downright tough.

Let’s keep it real; the holiday season can bring a sleigh full of challenges. Whether it’s the pressure to be merry or the reminders of what’s missing, it’s okay to feel like you’re not rockin’ around the Christmas tree.

The Holiday Hurdles: A Quick Reality Check

  1. Loneliness: The “Home Alone” movies are hilarious, but being truly alone during the holidays? Not so fun.
  2. Financial Stress: Gift shopping can feel like navigating a Black Friday stampede. How did a pair of socks become a luxury item?
  3. Family Drama: Not all family gatherings are as cozy as a Hallmark movie. Some are more like an action-packed drama series.
  4. FOMO Overload: Thanks to social media, it feels like everyone is rocking a Hallmark-worthy holiday. FOMO hits harder than a snowball to the face.

Now, onto the good stuff – how to sleigh these holiday hurdles with style!

Tips to Keep Your Sanity and Mistletoe Smiles

  1. Buddy System: Grab a friend, a furry companion, or even your favorite holiday movie character. You’re not alone in this.
  2. Budget Like a Boss: Make a list, check it twice, and stick to your budget. A little DIY magic can go a long way, and no one said your cookies had to be store-bought.
  3. Selective Social Media: Unfollow the folks who turn the holiday season into a competition. It’s not about who can roast the perfect chestnut or decorate the most Pinterest-worthy tree.
  4. Create Your Own Traditions: Forget the pressure to do things “traditionally.” Create your own rituals that bring joy – even if it’s just ordering pizza and watching your favorite non-holiday movie.
  5. Ask for Help: Reach out to someone you trust. They might not be able to fix everything, but sharing the load can make it feel less like a one-person sleigh ride.

Remember, it’s okay not to be in a holly-jolly mood 24/7. Your mental well-being is the ultimate gift you can give yourself. So take a deep breath, put on those cozy socks, and navigate this holiday hustle at your own pace. You got this!

Get Your Act Together: How to Stay Focused

Hey, it’s time to stop scrolling mindlessly through cat videos and TikTok dances. Let’s talk about focus, my friend. It’s the key to unlocking your inner badass and getting stuff done. Why’s it so damn important?

Why Focus Rules the Game

  1. No Distraction Drama: When you focus, you can tell distractions to buzz off. No more “Oh, shiny thing!” moments. You get shit done!
  2. Maximize Productivity: You’re not just spinning your wheels. Focusing means you’re using your time wisely, and that’s a game-changer, my misfits.
  3. Achieve Goals: Want to crush your goals? Focus is the secret sauce. It’s the rocket fuel that propels you forward.

The Mayhem of No Focus

Now, what happens when you’re all over the place? Chaos, my friend. Chaos. You might as well throw your plans out the window:

  1. Procrastination Party: You’ll RSVP to the procrastination party, and it’s a wild one. You’ll find yourself binge-watching Netflix instead of tackling your to-do list.
  2. Stress Central: Stress levels go through the roof when you can’t focus. It’s a never-ending rollercoaster of anxiety.
  3. Regret City: In the end, you’ll regret not seizing the day. Time lost is gone forever, my friend.

How to Stay Laser-Focused

Okay, enough of the doom and gloom. Let’s get real and talk about how to keep your focus sharp:

  1. Mindful Meditation: Yeah, I know, it sounds all zen and shit, but it works. Meditating clears your mental clutter and lets you zero in on the task at hand.
  2. Time Blocking: Break your day into chunks and assign specific tasks to each block. This helps you keep your eye on the prize without distractions.
  3. Kill the Noise: (This one might hurt a bit) If you’re jamming out to tunes with lyrics, your focus is toast. Opt for instrumental beats or total silence when you’re in grind mode.
  4. Prioritize: Not all tasks are created equal. Pick the most important ones and tackle them first. Get that victory under your belt.
  5. Take Breaks: Your brain needs to chill too. Short breaks are important. Stretch, grab a snack, or just zone out for a bit.

Focus is the name of the game, and you’re the star player. Get your act together, stay on target, and crush those goals!

Hydrating vs. Moisturizing for That Magic Glow

hydrate and moisturize

You’ve probably heard about hydrating and moisturizing your skin, but what does it all mean? Let’s break it down into small bite size pieces.

Hydrating – Quenching That Thirst:
Imagine your skin’s thirst for water, like that post-workout hydration craving. Hydrating is all about giving your skin a big gulp of water. Our Hydra Haze hydrating serum is the real deal – it’s like a tall glass of water for your skin. It’s packed with ingredients like snow mushroom and aloe vera juice.

  1. Hydrate Daily: After cleansing, apply a hydrating serum. Our Hydra Haze is perfect; it’s like a cool drink of water for your face.
  2. Drink Up: Remember to guzzle your H2O throughout the day. Healthy skin starts from the inside out.
  3. Mist It On: Carry a hydrating facial mist for a quick, refreshing splash during the day.

Moisturizing – Locking It Down:
Moisturizing is like the protective coat on a classic car – it seals in your skin’s moisture, keeping it soft and smooth. Our Nocturnal Nectar face oil serum is your secret weapon for that. Packed with luxurious oils like moringa, pumpkin seed, and rosehip, it creates a protective barrier to prevent moisture loss.

  1. Seal the Deal: After your hydrating serum has soaked in, apply the Nocturnal Nectar oil serum. It’s like putting on your leather jacket before a night out.
  2. Patience is Key: Give it a little time to sink in before applying makeup. Your skin deserves that VIP treatment.
  3. Consistency Counts: Use your moisturizer daily, and don’t skip it!

Remember, your skincare routine is all about self-care. Hydrating and moisturizing, like yin and yang, work together to give you that, lit-from-within glow. So, drink your water, use your serums, and embrace your skincare mayhem. Your skin will thank you with a radiant, otherworldly beauty.

Mayhem By Nature’s Turning 2!

Whoa, can you believe it’s been two years of crafting magic, skin potions, and tarot readings? We’ve been through the ups and downs, the good hair days, and the occasional mishaps.

But we’re still here, stronger than ever! 🖤

Come celebrate this milestone with us, fellow misfits, because without YOU, none of this would be possible.

Join the Mayhem By Nature 2-Year Anniversary Bash. Expect some surprises, discounts, and perhaps a little mayhem! Let’s make this celebration one for the books!

Women in Business: Pitfalls and How to Conquer Them, Plus Tips for Long-Lasting Success

Pitfalls and How to Conquer Them:

  1. Impostor Syndrome: Feeling like you don’t belong or that you’re not good enough? That’s impostor syndrome talking. Shut it down by acknowledging your achievements and constantly learning and growing.
  2. Fear of Failure: Don’t let the fear of falling keep you from soaring. Failure is a teacher, not an enemy. Embrace it, learn from it, and use it to fuel your success.
  3. Lack of Confidence: Confidence is your BFF in business. Boost it by celebrating your wins, learning from your losses, and surrounding yourself with supportive people.
  4. Balance Struggles: Balancing work, life, and everything in between can be tough. Set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and remember that it’s okay to ask for help.

Tips for Long-Lasting Success:

  1. Find Your Niche: What makes your business unique? Identify your niche, hone your skills, and stand out in the crowd.
  2. Adapt to Change: In the business world, change is constant. Stay flexible, embrace new technologies, and adapt to evolving trends.
  3. Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with mentors, peers, and allies who understand the challenges of being a woman in business. Their guidance and support are invaluable.
  4. Invest in Learning: Never stop learning. Invest in your knowledge and skills. The more you know, the more you can achieve.
  5. Take Risks: Calculated risks can lead to big rewards. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and seize opportunities.
  6. Persistence Pays Off: Success rarely happens overnight. Stay persistent, keep pushing forward, and never give up on your dreams.

Remember, you’re a force to be reckoned with. Stand tall, own your journey, and let your entrepreneurial spirit shine bright.

Love, Liberty, and Living Life on My Terms: Embracing the Singlehood Story

Hey, fellow free spirits! Today, let’s break some chains and embrace the liberation of living life on our own terms. We’re here to unravel the mystery of being single and owning our choices without feeling guilty about it!

Love Beyond the Rom-Coms: Sure, we’ve seen enough Hollywood romance flicks to know what “happily ever after” looks like. But guess what? Love comes in a gazillion forms! From the friendships that light up our lives to the unconditional love of family, our hearts are full of affection. Romance might be at the bottom of our bucket list, but love thrives in the nooks and crannies of our souls.

Freedom, Baby!: Who needs a relationship when we’re busy conquering the world? Our lives are our playground, and we’re having a blast exploring it solo. We’re building careers, traveling the globe, and pursuing our passions without being tied to anyone else’s schedule. Freedom isn’t just a word; it’s our way of life!

Heartful Honesty: Call us brutally honest, but we’re not about to lead someone on just for the heck of it. When we’re not ready to dive into romance, we won’t pretend otherwise. We believe in being real, not stringing someone along for a ride. When the timing’s right, we’ll step into a partnership like the fierce romancers we are!

So, here’s the thing: it’s okay to not want a relationship or marriage to be the center of our universe.

We’re living proof that love isn’t confined to the boundaries of a romance novel. Our hearts are open, embracing all the loves that fill our lives – platonic, familial, furbabies and everything in between. We’re not anti-love; we’re just fiercely selective about how we choose to embrace it.

So, let’s dance to our own rhythm and own our singlehood with pride! We’re writing our love story, and it’s filled with adventures, laughter, and plenty of “me time.” We refuse to settle for anything less than what sets our souls on fire! Whether we find a partner to embark on this journey with or not, it doesn’t define us. We are whole, complete, and unapologetically ourselves. So, to the naysayers and the nosy questions, we say, “Thank you, next!”

Embrace your freedom, love your life, and remember: it’s your story, and you get to write every freakin’ page!

Unveiling the Sinister Charm of Black Rose – A Gothic Scent by Mayhem by Nature

Hey there, night creatures! Gather around ’cause we’re about to slink into the seductive allure of Black Rose – a scent that’ll haunt your dreams and make your heart race. Get ready to embrace the darkness, ’cause this tale is gonna be one hell of a ride!

In a world where red roses hog the spotlight, the Black Rose sneaks in like a shadowy rebel – a rare bloom shrouded in legends and secrets. Forget about the color; it’s the mystery that’ll get you hooked. These bad boys represent rebellion, goodbyes, and a love that transcends life and death. chilling, huh?

At Mayhem by Nature, we summoned the essence of the Black Rose to create a fragrance that’s as wicked as our wildest dreams. Picture this: you stroll through a moonlit garden, and bam! Black roses glisten like dark jewels, daring you to come closer. And when you do, that peppery scent of the Black Rose wraps you in its haunting embrace, playing mind games with your senses.

This sinister scent taps into your inner secrets, making you dance with the dark and flirt with your desires. It’s not for the faint-hearted; we’re talking to the creatures of the night who know how to rock the gothic vibe. This scent defies norms, just like we do!

So, you daring souls, let the Black Rose charm you, enchant you, and take you on a ride through the shadows. Embrace the enigma, for within its dark allure lies the essence of Mayhem by Nature – where darkness and beauty tango like it’s nobody’s business. Let this scent be your gateway to the world of mystery, where passion and secrets intertwine. Uncover the riddles of the Black Rose, and let its wicked charm be a part of your own twisted tale. 🌹🖤

Failing Forward: Embrace the Messiness of Starting a Business

Okay, folks, lets talk about the thrill ride called entrepreneurship. Spoiler alert: it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Starting a business is like wandering through a maze in the dark, constantly tripping over your own feet. (Literally, ’cause I’m clumsy AF) But guess what? Those messy, face-planting moments are just as crucial as the victories. So, let’s ditch the polished facade and embrace the glorious chaos of failure while giving a shout-out to the wins on this wild journey. 

1. Epic Fails: Your Badge of Honor: Let’s get real, people. Failure isn’t something to hide in shame; it’s the badge of honor that shows you’re out there hustling. Every brave entrepreneur has had their fair share of epic fails. Those screw-ups? They’re priceless lessons, feedback, and the secret sauce for your future success. Embrace the failures, learn from ’em, and watch yourself rise like a phoenix from the ashes. 

2. Embracing the Hot Mess Express: Newsflash, my fellow risk-takers: the path to success is a hot mess express. It’s a wild ride filled with doubts, sleepless nights, and enough craziness to make your head spin. Don’t fight the mess; embrace it. In the messy, gooey middle, you’ll find the grit, resilience (yeah it can get tiring being resilient), and the kickass spirit needed to conquer the world. So, let that mess be your fuel and rock the journey to greatness. 

3. Winning, Baby! Big and Small: While we’re at it, let’s give some love to the wins – big and small. We’re talking about those moments when you land that soulmate client, crush a revenue goal, or even conquer that pesky email inbox. Every damn victory deserves a damn victory dance. Celebrate your wins like a boss, ’cause they remind you why you started this crazy ride in the first place. So, pop that champagne, blast your favorite jam, and bask in the glory of your accomplishments. 

4. Fuck Perfection, Be Authentic: In a world full of Insta-worthy success stories, let’s give perfection the middle finger. Authenticity is where it’s at. Be your hectic, erratic, ever evolving self. If one minute you want to showcase your edgy flair but be structured and professional the next, then you do that shit. You don’t have to be ONE thing at every turn.  Embrace your flaws, your messy hair, and your quirky personality. Share the highs and lows of your entrepreneurial journey because real talk inspires others. By keeping it real, you create deep connections , and you’ll find a tribe that’s got your back through thick and thin. 

So, all you badass entrepreneurs, remember this:

success isn’t just about wins; it’s about failing forward, embracing the glorious mess, and celebrating every freakin’ victory along the way. Wear your failures like a crown, navigate the crazy ride with unapologetic determination, and throw a party for every win, no matter how small. By being your imperfect self, you’ll attract a squad of fellow misfit warriors who lift you up and join you on this mayhemmical journey. So, raise your glass to the failures, the chaos, and the unfiltered wins. Cheers to embracing the madness and rewriting the freakin’ rules of success! 🥂✨

So, We Did This Thing

We are thrilled to announce the opening of our first brick and mortar store for Mayhem By Nature, a skincare brand dedicated to the edgy misfits who want to take a walk on the wild side of beauty.

Our brand has been built on the principle that skincare should not only make you look good but also make you feel good about who you are. We have always believed that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms and we want to celebrate that with our products.

After months of planning and hard work, we finally opened our doors to the public on March 16 2023. Our store is located in the heart of Chester, NY. It has been designed to reflect the edgy and rebellious spirit of our brand. We have created a space that is inviting, inspiring, and empowering for all those who enter.

Our range of products includes everything from soap bars and bath salts to moisturizers and serums. All of our products are made from natural ingredients and have been carefully crafted to meet the unique needs of our customers. We believe in the power of natural ingredients and their ability to transform the skin.

At Mayhem By Nature, we are more than just a skincare brand. We are a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for all things edgy and rebellious. We also showcase our spiritual side. With magical offerings too! Our store will serve as a hub for our community where we can come together, share stories, and celebrate our individuality. We invite you to come and experience the Mayhem By Nature difference for yourself and join our community of edgy misfits.

In conclusion, we are thrilled to open our first brick and mortar store for Mayhem By Nature skincare. We have worked hard to create a space that reflects the spirit of our brand. With our range of natural products, we are confident that we can help you achieve the beautiful, healthy skin you deserve. So come and visit us today and let us help you unleash your inner rebel.

Inside Mayhem By Nature

What’s New, 2022?

Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the holiday season and wish you all the best in the new year. Mayhem By Nature has been officially launched for a little over 2 months now. We have fulfilled a healthy amount of orders in these months and could not be more grateful for the support. Our soaps, bar and liquid, have been our best-sellers so far. It has been a pleasure to witness the happy reactions to our products that were created with love and positive intentions. Right now we have body lotion, body wash, body mist, and bar soaps available and steadily working on bringing new products this year.

Some of the things to look forward to this year from Mayhem By Nature are, bath bombs, body scrubs, and possibly body butters. We’ve also discovered some things that we didn’t intend to offer but are now considering. Mayhem, herself, had whipped up some handcrafted gifts for family and friends for the holidays that came out nicely. It was her first time formulating some of these things so she awaits the feedback.

The first was a pomade. Hair care is on the list of things that Mayhem By Nature will eventually offer down the road–years down the road. It was something Mayhem wanted to gift to a family member so she went into the lab and created it. The second thing was an aftershave lotion. It was gifted to Mayhem’s mail carrier and another family member. It’s not only for the face but can be used on legs, underarms, etc. The last item was a tattoo balm that Mayhem had created for her son who has a decent amount of artwork on his body, including a fresh piece done about a month ago.

Aftershave Lotion

So, look forward to all of the new things coming in 2022. As always, Mayhem By Nature will bring them to you in fun and interesting scents suitable for all. We are excited and look forward to expansion and growth in the new year. Being a newly launched small business we welcome all feedback and suggestions on what you, the consumer, would like to see from us. Please reach out to us, we’d love to hear from you. Thank you for your continued support. Here’s to you, 2022!