Navigating the Holiday Hustle: Tips for Tough Times

We all know this time of year can be as stressful as trying to untangle Christmas lights. For some, it’s not all gingerbread houses and mistletoe magic – it can be downright tough.

Let’s keep it real; the holiday season can bring a sleigh full of challenges. Whether it’s the pressure to be merry or the reminders of what’s missing, it’s okay to feel like you’re not rockin’ around the Christmas tree.

The Holiday Hurdles: A Quick Reality Check

  1. Loneliness: The “Home Alone” movies are hilarious, but being truly alone during the holidays? Not so fun.
  2. Financial Stress: Gift shopping can feel like navigating a Black Friday stampede. How did a pair of socks become a luxury item?
  3. Family Drama: Not all family gatherings are as cozy as a Hallmark movie. Some are more like an action-packed drama series.
  4. FOMO Overload: Thanks to social media, it feels like everyone is rocking a Hallmark-worthy holiday. FOMO hits harder than a snowball to the face.

Now, onto the good stuff – how to sleigh these holiday hurdles with style!

Tips to Keep Your Sanity and Mistletoe Smiles

  1. Buddy System: Grab a friend, a furry companion, or even your favorite holiday movie character. You’re not alone in this.
  2. Budget Like a Boss: Make a list, check it twice, and stick to your budget. A little DIY magic can go a long way, and no one said your cookies had to be store-bought.
  3. Selective Social Media: Unfollow the folks who turn the holiday season into a competition. It’s not about who can roast the perfect chestnut or decorate the most Pinterest-worthy tree.
  4. Create Your Own Traditions: Forget the pressure to do things “traditionally.” Create your own rituals that bring joy – even if it’s just ordering pizza and watching your favorite non-holiday movie.
  5. Ask for Help: Reach out to someone you trust. They might not be able to fix everything, but sharing the load can make it feel less like a one-person sleigh ride.

Remember, it’s okay not to be in a holly-jolly mood 24/7. Your mental well-being is the ultimate gift you can give yourself. So take a deep breath, put on those cozy socks, and navigate this holiday hustle at your own pace. You got this!

Friday Flash Sales

Get ready. For the month of December we will offer special, Friday Flash sales to help with those last-minute gift ideas. We will run these sales up until the the 31st. Each item will be personally picked by Mayhem, herself. These will be things that she thinks will make great gifts without breaking the bank. Stay tuned, the first flash sale will happen on December 3rd 2021.

So, We Did A Thing

We officially launched October 15th! It’s been a busy stretch of time for us. Mayhem By Nature is not yet the sole source of income for us. Mayhem, that’s me, has to keep a day job until the business takes off and the 9-5 can take a hike. For several months the day job was non-existent and then it started to pick up right after launching Mayhem By Nature. Lots of juggling going on so there hasn’t been much time to update the blog. But we’re heading into the holiday season, and that means the shopping frenzy is about to begin. Although, it begins earlier and earlier each year.

Mayhem is not one for the big Black Friday hoopla, but we did get asked whether we were having Black Friday deals. The answer is…yes. Yes, we will be having a few specials going on. There will be gift sets of our skincare products available, along with other bundles at nice savings. We currently have T-Shirts on sale. Some fun Tees, like our Ugly Christmas and Hanukkah ones. We have Yule Blessings and Joyous Kwanzaa Tees. If you have a new little bundle celebrating their first holiday season, we have something for them too! So, make sure to come check us out. We have something for everyone on your list. We’ll even have something for your furry family coming soon.

We’ve also added some new ways to pay. Our favorite is offering Sezzle as an option. If you’re unfamiliar with Sezzle you can find out how it works here. Apple Pay also just became available. We hope you consider shopping small as many small businesses have been hurting. Even if it’s not with us, support small business and your local brick and mortar spots for all or most of your holiday shopping. You have no idea what your support means at this time!