Back Alley Deals

Here at Mayhem By Nature we love to say, come as you are. It’s the way we offer our goods to you. We love for you to get our products exactly the way they turned out. No bells and whistles to make them fancy or look like something they’re not. But, every now and then while we’re handcrafting our goods, dings happen. Whether during the manufacturing process or some time after. It could be as simple as scent fading, denting a soap bar or bottle. Sometimes containers come from suppliers with some dings or scratches. That’s all part of manufacturing and distributing products. So, instead of throwing them away, or adding them to our infinite personal collection, we put them up for sale at a discounted price.

The discount depends on how significant the irregularity is. This can be a good way for people who are interested in trying our products to do so before committing. The items we offer up as “Back Alley Deals” are never expired or dangerous to use. They are simply an odd shape, a different color than intended, or there can simply be some formula left over from a batch that wouldn’t be enough for a full-sized product. Instead of wasting it, we offer it to you.

Come check out our Irregulars, as we like to call them. (Wrapped in our new eco-friendly biodegradable shrink wrap!)

Assorted Bathboms
Vanilla Smoke Soap (Oatmeal Honey)
Vanilla Smoke Soap
Saint Or Cinna Bar Soap Oatmeal Honey

Friday Flash Sales

Get ready. For the month of December we will offer special, Friday Flash sales to help with those last-minute gift ideas. We will run these sales up until the the 31st. Each item will be personally picked by Mayhem, herself. These will be things that she thinks will make great gifts without breaking the bank. Stay tuned, the first flash sale will happen on December 3rd 2021.